A specimen of Tobias's writing looks something like this:
The 15th July 1710, St Swithin's Day. Weather: Mist, Rain & Fog.Click here for more articles and some musical accompaniment.
Up and to Murdoch's coffee house to read the news, but the way was barred by two toughs bearing Bludgeons, demanding money, viz £1.0Sh. to enter for one day, or £1.0Sh.0d. to enter for 30 days.
Certain that the offer was a Gull, I made instead to Bridgerush's establishment, but there was too much Noise to think, a situation which did not seem to discommode Bridgerush's Hirelings, who joined in with a Shrill Tone.
On to the Seven Starres, where several Periwigged gentlemen entreated me to furnish drinks Pro Bono. I could not see Bono, who I think a Minstrel, but I took a quart of Sack with one Chancecliffe, who explained that the legal business is come on hard times. Master Halliwell is confined to the Fleet Prison, and even Mssrs Fresh & Field required to Tighten their Waistbands.
I took the Opportunity to explain that the Patrons of my weekly Article, which is displayed every Monday at the window of the most visited Quality Print Shop in the City, enjoy better fortune, and that, thanks to the latest Media Techniques, such favourable Publick Exposure is available at a very generous rate. (Mem to self : to be further informed, press Here).
Home late O'the Clock, by way of Tyburn Tree, where a wench sold me for 1d a lock of hair from the head of the Highwayman Moot.
And so to bed".