Some recent posts on other weblogs may be of interest and/or concern to IP Finance readers. I've listed them here for your comfort and convenience:
* In "Serious Damages", Hugo Cox notes for The 1709 Blog a recent Russian decision on the assessment of damages for copyright infringement which, while it looks appealing for injured parties, is highly questionable from a methodological point of view for those of us who like to believe that infringement damages have some factual connection to the principle of compensating the injured rights owner for the damage he suffers;
* Also on the subject of damages, in "Interest on damages for infringement not a correctable error", PatLit contributor Jeremy
reports on a feeble attempt of a patent infringer to wriggle out of interest payments on damages by claiming that an agreed order, stipulating an 8% interest rate, had not been agreed;
* In "The definite Article?", an IPKat post, the same author
takes a peek at an unusual business proposition involving the profitable harnessing of a lot of spare research power for the purpose of invalidating granted patents;
* In "In the pipeline: another Google Copyright Story", copyright expert Jaime Espantaleón offers a
sneak preview to jiplp blog readers of some of the thoughts that have motivated him to write on some Google Book proposal money-meets-law issues for the
Journal of Intellectual Property & Practice (