As an aid to better understanding of the proposed Supplement and the practical issues which it raises for both lenders and IP borrowers, this weblog is pleased to announce that a seminar has been arranged for the afternoon of 14 October 2009 in Central London. Spiros Bazinas (Senior Legal Officer, UNCITRAL's International Trade Law Division) has kindly agreed to address the seminar, following which a panel comprising both financial and IP interests will comment. There will then follow a question-and-answer session in which all participants will be invited to seek explanations and clarification. To aid the smooth running of the seminar, all who attend will receive two 4-side memos, one written from the perspective of the lender, the other from the perspective of the IP sector, which will crystallise the issues.
Professor Graham Penn, a banking partner in Sidley Austin LLP with particular expertise in securitisation, will chair the seminar. Membership of the panel is still being finalised. As soon as further details are available, they will be announced on this blog. If you hope to attend, please mark the date in your diary now. If you want to read up, all the publicly available UNCITRAL documents on the subject can be accessed here.