The July/August issue of
Intellectual Asset Management has been out for a while now, but I've only just had a chance to review it and -- with most of August still to come -- it's still technically current. Features in this issue include
* an interview with the photogenic Horacio Guttierez (Microsoft) on the shifts in IP policy which he has overseen during his three years as Chief IP Officer;
* A sponsored piece, "IA metrics for the other IP market", on risk and reputation management (not recommended for people who don't like figures and diagrams);
* A report by finance editor Nigel Page on what Intellectual Ventures is up to, given (i) its brimming war chest and (ii) improving market conditions in the innovation investment sector;
* IAM journalist Sara-Jayne Adams writes ("Time for Big Pharma to be loud and proud") on the steps taken by GSK, in particular, to defend its record in terms of all-round positives and not merely profits.
You can see the contents of this issue