With all of the media attention that has been given the $1.05 billion dollar verdict in the Apple suit against Samsung, it is a bit surprising that there has been relatively less coverage of the $1.17 billion dollar verdict given on December 26, 2012 in favour of Carnegie-Mellon University (CMU) in its patent infringement action against Marvell Technology Group. The jury verdict, if it stands (and not surprisingly Marvell has sought to overturn it), ranks as one of the largest such awards ever given.
The case is now back in the headlines, following the court filing made by CMU this week, requesting that the court award it up to three times the jury award (so-called treble damages) on the ground that Marvell was a willful infringer of the CMU patents here. Under U.S. law, a court may make an award of three times the amount of damages for infringement in such circumstances. Also, CMU is seeking $321 million in pre-judgment interest. The patents in question were issued in 2001 and 2002 and the case was filed only in 2009. The claim is that Marvell, a major chip maker, has sold without CMU's permission billion of chips that incorporate the patented technology.
The court award and CMU's most recent court filing raise once again several related questions in connection with the current state of patent litigation in the U.S. The first is how to calculate damages when the plaintiff is a non-practising entity (NPE). While few would call CMU a patent troll per se, it being a major university engaged in high level research and teaching, the fact remains that CMU is not primarily in the business of creating technology for purposes of tech transfer and commercialization. True, the school seeks commercial opportunities for such transfer and commercialization, but this is certainly ancillary to its educational function. Moreover, whatever the place of such commercial activities within CMU, they do not include manufacture of products made under the university's patents. And so the question—should a special standard be applied for assessing damages be applied when the plaintiff is an NPE of the CMU type?
Second, what should we make of CMU's request for treble damages? Even for a PE-type of plaintiff, the issue of treble damages raises policy issues. In particular, does an award of treble damages provide any realistic deterrent against "willful infringement"? After all, the award is made from one private party to another. In a sense, the private party plaintiff is awarded a windfall in the name of the public interest in future deterrence of patent infringement. Unless there is some good evidence that deterrence does in fact take place, the argument for treble damages seems flimsy. This is especially so, given the sometimes legal hyper-technical nature of what constitutes willful infringement.
A fortiori, should an award of treble damages to an NPE of the CMU type ever be justified? True, as a private university, CMU can use every dollar that it can in maintaining the university (who can't). Still, do we really want CMU (or indeed any NPE) fully engaged in the same manner as Apple and Samsung over the issue of treble damages?