IP Finance wishes the partnership the best of luck. Anyone who can get money out of the banks these days will surely need it."Our partnership will bring a new generation of corporate recovery and restructuring services to the European market as we demonstrate to companies, their bankers and investors, the real but hidden value in IP assets and how they can attract new funding using IP assets as security. Naturally, technology companies as well as IP and patent-rich businesses will be our prime targets, but any company with valuable IP, such as a well-established brand or trade secrets or know-how, could benefit from our services".
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Ocean Tomo, Metis team up
If you've been wondering what Chicago-based Ocean Tomo has been doing since the heady days of its patent auctions, IP Finance can tell you. The company has struck a strategic relationship with Metis Partners from Glasgow. A media release explains that their agreement seeks to bring a new generation of corporate recovery and restructuring services to the European market, giving European companies access to the most robust intellectual asset development solutions currently available. According to Metis's CEO Stephen Robertson: