Wednesday, February 16, 2011

An open approach to IP risks

A posting back in June 2010 flagged a detailed disclaimer in a press release from the parent company of Cambridge nanotech company Owlstone. As noted by one commentator, “the depressing thing is that companies need to keep issuing statements like this, which are there (it seems to me) more to reduce the risk of legal action for negligent misstatement than to educate and inform the investor”.

How refreshing then to see the “intellectual property” page of smart metering company Onzo, which clearly sets out their approach to IP. On the question of third party rights, not only does the page contain the standard statement regarding “not knowingly infringing third party IPR”, it actively requests any third party who “is aware of any of their IPR being used in an unauthorised manner in connection with Onzo’s business” to contact Onzo’s Commercial Director who "will investigate the situation and will, if appropriate, unilaterally suspend relevant activities”.