The value of the patents to newcomers in the telecommunications field, such as Apple and Google, is clear. Apple will be budgeting for licensing fees for access to essential patents to be able to implement telecommunications standards. Any patents they obtain can then be thrown into the pot to reduce the payments. Google are presumably currently relying on HTC for the IP rights - but would no doubt welcome access to a larger telecommunications portfolio in the mid-term to reduce any payments for cross-licence agreements to which they might need to sign up. No doubt a number of patent trolls or NPEs will sniffing around to see whether the portfolio has sufficient value to be able to make a return on the investment, as Joff Wilde has reported here.
Reuter's reports that Nortel's 4000 patents have been split up into different packages covering different technologies, including wireless handset and infrastructure, as well as optical networks, Internet advertising and computers. Given the need for interoperability in the telecoms field and Nortel's possession of seven highly relevant patents, it seems that these seven patents may be highly valuable. However, purchasers may be disappointed if the patents are ever litigated, as there may be potential prior art not considered by the patent office which could severely damage the value of the patents as both IP.COM and InterDigital have had to learn over the years. Both have had to live with patent rights that have been limited after a court action.
Technorati Tags:
Patent Sale, Standards, Telecommunications, Nortel