For those who have been following the ongoing drama of IP securitisation over the past couple of years (see IP Finance posts
here, here and
here), there's further news. Work has been continuing on a Draft Supplement to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions dealing with security rights in intellectual property, as revised further to the April-May 2009 session of the UNCITRAL Working Group VI (Security Interests) and the approval of the insolvency discussion by the UNCITRAL Working Group V (Insolvency Law) at its May 2009 session. This Draft Supplement forms the basis for discussions at the next session of Working Group VI (Vienna,
2-6 November 2009).
UNCITRAL documents are available on the
UNCITRAL website. Informal drafts for discussion with experts are not publicly available. However, UNCITRAL encourages interested organizations with expertise and experts to contact them, if they wish to examine and comment on such informal drafts, which are then finalized in accordance with the instructions of the relevant UNCITRAL (inter-governmental) Working Group and submitted to that Working Group for consideration. Interested organizations with expertise and experts may email the UNCITRAL secretariat
here, or Spiros Bazinas (Senior Legal Officer, UNCITRAL's International Trade Law Division)
here, if they'd like further information.