Right: the illustration eloquently describes the fact that medicines come from the investment of money in the first place
This is a joint venture between WIPO (pro-IP protection), the WTO (in favour of fair rules for trading) and the World Health Organization (pro-access to fairly priced medicine). According to the alert,
"The purpose of the symposium is to learn what international and regional agencies have experienced in the pricing and procurement of medicines as important determinants of access. It will also provide an opportunity to discuss where to obtain information on access to medicines, their prices and their availability. The core questions are about drug procurement, pricing and relevant intellectual property issues. The discussions will be technical, serving as a forum for participants to share information, views and practical experiences.Registration details (sign up by 14 July, please) are available here.
This event should lay the groundwork for continuing dialogue among the collaborating organizations. Draft program here ...
Participants are expected to be Geneva-based delegations to the WHO, WIPO and WTO, representatives of international and philanthropic initiatives on the procurement of medicines, civil society organizations, and industry representatives.
... the event will be held in English only; no interpretation will be available. Participation in the symposium is open to all interested individuals and organizations, subject to availability of space ...".
Given that the issues raised here go right to the heart of the profitability of the increasingly stressed originator pharma sector, IP Finance hopes to hear from anyone who will be attending and will be pleased to publish a report from any reader who can let us have one.