"A reader has emailed IP Finance to ask if it knows of any courses on intellectual property valuation that are (i) general, in the sense of not being specific to any one type of IP right or market sector, and (ii) general, in the sense of being at a high enough level to be understood by someone who is not an accountant or a financial whizz-kid but who needs to be able to identify the main issues and thus be equipped to follow the general thread of what accountants and whizz-children tell him.From Chris Bartlett, until recently Senior IP Valuation & Contracts Manager at Glasgow-based ITI Techmedia and currently Chair of the Education Committee of the Licensing Executives Society (Britain & Ireland), comes this response, which both poses a question and provides some information:
If you know of any such courses, please let me know. Also, if you think you could help in putting such a course together, please say so."
"I do know that there are a number of dedicated IP valuation courses available in the UK, but in my experience these can be very sector specific, typically healthcare and pharma, and also generally assume an audience sufficiently experienced in the general IP field that they now have a wish to look at valuation methodologies as a fairly detailed specialist area.If anyone wishes to contact Chris regarding his invitation, can he or she please email him here.
I am not aware of any single course which fits your criteria though I would certainly be very interested in working with others to create one - indeed building such a course fits within my present strategy for new LES courses in the UK.
In the meantime, perhaps you may like to inform your readership of the forthcoming LES Fundamentals of Intellectual Asset Management course at Cranfield in June, in which valuation at precisely the pitch your reader desires is presented within a broader context of intellectual property and asset management as a whole. Details can be found here.
I would welcome, perhaps through the medium of your blog, proposals from suitably qualified practitioners to provide both content and their presentation skills for provision of a one day course-cum-workshop targeting IP valuation for non-IP specialists, managers and IP newcomers".
The IP Finance weblog has also received details of this course from the Business Development Academy which, we learn, has been taught all over the US, UK, Europe and Israel and that over 200 representatives from Fortune 1000 businesses have attended the course.