Right: Marjolijn Vencken has a chuckle while Amanda Michaels, in the chair, keeps a straight face (photo: Filemot)
Starting with the question of how much money (if any) brewers should pay towards preventing or remedying the damage done through binge-drinking by a non-target audience of minors, she then examined means by which brand-owners invest in showing their green credentials in order to excuse, hide or even reduce the environmental damage done by their products. Instructive case studies involving Land Rover, Heineken, Philips and Liberty Mutual were analysed and the role played by corporate social responsibility (CSR) was examined. Both during and after Marjolijn's presentation there was some lively questioning and discussion, befitting the blend of divergent interests of the rapt audience. It was a lovely way to celebrate World Intellectual Property Day.
The IP Finance weblog would like to thank both Marjolijn and her chairman Amanda Michaels for their input. Thanks are also due to London-based IP specialists Olswang LLP for providing its excellent hospitality, in conjunction with sponsors Hogarth Chambers.
Footnote: a fresh fourth edition of A Practical Approach to Trade Mark Law, written by Amanda with her colleague Andrew Norris, was launched earlier this month by leading publishers Oxford University Press. You can get details of its contents and even order it from its home page here.